Thursday, December 4, 2014

Advent Calendar Day 4: Christmas Cards and Fall Beer

I am a little late in getting my Christmas Cards out, but I took the evening and addressed all of the cards I have addresses for. These will go out in the mail in the morning. I feel really pretty accomplished for the evening.

I felt so accomplished that I treated myself to a Crown Valley Imperial Pumpkin Smash. 

This beer is a homage to to my definition of a fall beer. This beer pours dark and thick. While I was pouring the beer looked like it was boiling in the glass as it tumbled over itself. The bottle actually tells the drinker to make sure to drink the beer between 55 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. A far cry for the cold mountains of the Rockies. Why you ask? Well I have this beer cold and let it warm. The aroma and spices come alive and dance in your nose and mouth as the beer comes to temperature.

The pumpkin, chocolate, and roast characteristics of this beer warm me right up on a chilly night. Though it is a kind of a heavy beer, so you may want to have a lighter dinner if you drink this.

Go ahead and drink some Holloween as you ponder next year's costume! (It is never too early! I am thinking something clever my self or Star Wars related!)

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