Friday, June 13, 2014

I always enjoy paying my debts craft beer style!

I, like the Lannisters of Casterly Rock in Game of Thrones, always pay my debts. When I say that I will do something for you, I will come through.

About 3 months ago I posted a contest to increase awareness for Scouting the Taps, but more importantly I wanted to buy some beer for some friends. So after making more friends like I love to do, I picked two winners to buy beer for.

My start to a Mother's Pyramid at Rock & Run
David Schumacher is a great and funny guy. He won the Twitter portion of the contest. David lives in the north land and works for Cerner. I had the pleasure of hanging out with him during a Mothers tap take over at Rock and Run Brewery put on by Central States Beverage. David and I talked and got to know each other. We laughed and joked. We drank really good beer. We talked about home brewing, beer blogs, #PriusToMothers14 . While we were talking, David counted how many batches of beer he has currently in one state or another of the brewing/drinking process. He has 16 BATCHES!! Some in fermenters. Some in untapped kegs. Some tapped and ready to be drank. David has some great friends that are also really into beer. Some of them even work at Cinder Block Brewery! I look forward to sharing more beers with David in the near future, especially at KC Nanobrew Fest.

Seth Bishop is an amazing friend who has been supportive of me from the start. He won the Facebook portion of the contest. Seth and I met while I worked at H&R Block in Downtown KC. Seth lives in the Eastern Jackson County area, so we went to Saint's and Twin Peaks. His call, not mine. I am not complaining because they have at least a couple great beer options. Anywhere that has Boulevard's Tank 7 on tap is a good place. We caught up on old times, listened to some terrible live music. Terrible because it was too loud and because they didn't do a good job covering the songs they were singing. I look forward to getting Seth out and about soon!

What I have learned from this whole thing is twofold. I have learned that giving is so much fun and opens people up for a good time. I am going to do another contest soon and we will see how much fun we can have! Maybe you have an idea for a good contest! Message me or tweet me to let me know!

The other thing I learned from this contest is that I am very blessed with an amazing support structure of family and friends. C, my sister, my parents, and all of my friends have been supportive and encouraging of my passion to show others the joys of the craft beer world. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have the courage to get past the nay-sayers. Thank you so much!

To bring this all back to Game of Thrones, I am of the House Tagaryen. But how did it know I am blond and good looking?

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