Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Cards Against Humanity Tournament at Bier Station! Thanks Central States and Mother's!

Tonight I am going to play in a Cards Against Humanity tournament at Bier Station and organized by Central States Beverage. If you don't know what this is, think Apples to Apples with a naughty and risque twist. If you don't know what Apples to Apples is... get out from under the rock you are living under and invite some friends over for a game night featuring either of these games. If you are wanting a family friendly setting go with Apples to Apples and a session ale. If you are brave go for a Stone's Arrogant Bastard Ale and Cards Against Humanity. Here are the rules to the Cards Against Humanity game. The website even says "A free party game for horrible people." So lets get weird. The game pits players to choose cards that complete a sentence or answers a question with cards that each hold in their hand. This event also has a special guest of Mother's Brewing. I hope to have a MILF (the beer) and try some other special beers.

I want to take pictures of tonight's tournament, meet new people, and make all of you as jealous as possible. My plan for the night is to have a lot of fun, laugh until my sides hurt, and drink some amazing beer. This tournament would be dangerous on a Friday night. 

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