With 5 days left to Christmas Day, retail stores and, by proxy, roads around those stores have become complete bedlam. If you are trying to park, you might as well be at the carnival in some bumper cars. Today, C and I were stuck in traffic because a forcing the highway into one lane. Impatient aggressive drivers then caused a lot of issues acting without thought or concern. (Don't try to call me out for my driving technique. These drivers were more aggressive than me and they were dangerous about it. I don't drive dangerously!) Getting through the aisles of a store, you would have better luck running the opposite direction of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain. Bring something to read while you are in line to checkout. Apparently, the weekend before Christmas is the time to buy food for Christmas dinner, and people lose their minds.
Once C and I battled through and crossed everything off our to do list, we came home and I pulled out a favorite beer to drink. I chose Founder's Breakfast Stout to relax with. This stout is in my top 10 beers. Not because it is complex or mind blowing. More so because the coffee and oatmeal in this beer is like taking a bowl of breakfast oatmeal and mixing in a dark coffee. Many times I have been tempted to brew a cup of coffee and make a bowl of oatmeal with it. I might do that tomorrow during the Chiefs game. This beer is truly one that puts a smile on my face no matter how the rest of my day is going. Go get a four pack, and if you don't like it I will be happy to take it off your hands!
20 down... 4 to go!
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