If you do nothing other than listen to the news recently, then you probably are scared sick with the events and unrest that seems to be seeping into all aspects of life. There isn't an hour that goes by without something being said detailing a doomsday scenario or a societal altering clash that will spell the end of the American Dream as we know it. The words of a priest, today on Christmas Eve, put in perspective both the recent world events and my role in the future. He spoke of faith, hope, and love. He spoke to always show our faith by never losing hope and give others a reason to keep it as well. We give this hope to others by our actions. He spoke of our faith is love of God and our fellow man and this love is the inspiration of hope and faith.

While some people may not have faith in the same way that I have faith, I do hope that those people do share the faith I have in my neighbor. If we give of ourselves and show love to the person next as a decent human being, then we have every reason for hope and the restoration of faith in the human race. My charge to you is the next time you feel an urge to be a dick to someone, DON'T DO IT! Maybe you notice an opportunity to help someone, take two seconds, and with a smile do the right thing. I know I need to get better about this and I promise I will. I will carry the Christmas Spirit with me for the next 365 days to bring a genuine smile to someone's face. Beer can help this cause. Watching someone new to me drink a beer new to them, and have their eyes widen at the experience of a good beer can definitely increase the joy on this Earth. Could you imagine how much joy and good will that 8 billion small acts of kindness would bring to this world?
Now to settle in on this cold winter's night. Unfortunately, this Christmas will not be a white Christmas. But I did pick out a beer that is as black as the night sky and helps me fight against the biting cold the wind of the night brings. Tonight I drink a special beer. Pike's Peak Brewery Penrose Private Reserve Number 1306. This is a stout aged in whiskey barrels. The beer pours a dark melted chocolate look to it. Has the aroma of a stout that is softened by the oaky dark tinges from the whiskey. As I took a drink, I almost expected the burn of alcohol, but the burn never came. This went down very smooth but not quickly as the beer clung to the sides of my mouth and tongue. I also took the time to review what others have said about this and I, literally out loud, said, "Get a life!" Some them were talking about how the beer was undrinkable and was a total drain pour. I wanted to ask if they were drinking the same beer I was. This just helps me reinforce the idea that, each of us should make up our own minds as to what is a good beer. I would give this one a try and let me know what you think!
24 down... 0 to go!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!!
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